Lawrenceville/ Oakwood dental and implants

Emergency Dentistry

The practice of emergency dentistry, often known as dental emergency care, requires giving patients who have urgent dental problems or accidents prompt dental care. Dental emergencies can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, and they need to be treated right once to save teeth or other oral structures relieve pain, and prevent subsequent difficulties.  

The following list of typical dental emergencies is followed by usual treatment methods: 

Toothache: Numerous conditions, including dental decay, abscesses, or a fractured tooth, can result in a severe toothache. A dental exam, X-rays, and rapid pain alleviation using procedures like dental fillings, root canal treatments, or antibiotics for infections may be included in emergency care.

Knocked Out Tooth: It’s crucial to respond swiftly when a tooth is totally knocked out (avulsed).Gently rinse the teeth with water while being mindful to avoid touching the root. If at all possible, try to put it back into the socket or keep it in a jar of milk or saliva. Seek immediate dental care because receiving treatment within an hour increases the likelihood that the tooth will be saved.

Chipped or broken teeth: Accidents or trauma may cause a fractured or chipped tooth. Depending on the severity of the damage and the position of the tooth, many treatment options are available, such as dental bonding, dental crowns, or veneers.

Displaced or Loose Tooth: A tooth that is knocked out of place or becomes loose can need quick care. A dentist may use orthodontic wire or splints to realign and stabilize the tooth.

Tooth abscess: An uncomfortable, pus-filled swelling known as a dental abscess can develop in the gums or at the tooth’s root. Draining the abscess, giving antibiotics, and addressing the underlying cause, such as with root canal therapy or tooth extraction, are all possible treatments.

Significant Soft Tissue or Gum Injury: Trauma to the mouth’s soft tissues, such as the gums, can cause severe bleeding that needs to be treated right once. Clean the wound gently, use gauze pressure to stop any bleeding, and seek emergency dental care.

Dental restorations that are lost or harmed:

It may hurt and leave the tooth vulnerable if a crown, bridge, or dental filling is lost or damaged. Orthodontic crises can hurt and necessitate modifications or repairs from an orthodontist. Examples include broken wires or broken braces.

It’s important to have a plan in place because dental emergencies can occur at any time. If you experience a dental emergency, get in touch with your dentist or an urgent care dental facility right away for advice and to make an urgent appointment. Our Dental specialists are qualified to deal with these circumstances quickly and offer the required care to reduce discomfort and stop additional issues.