Lawrenceville/ Oakwood dental and implants

TMJ/TMD Treatment

Temporomandibular disorders, also referred to as TMDs (Temporo Mandibular Disorders), are a set of illnesses that affect the muscles that move the jaw and the jaw joint. The goal of TMJ/TMD treatment is to reduce the discomfort and dysfunction brought on by these conditions.

Following are a few crucial elements of TMJ/TMD treatment:


A proper diagnosis is vital for effective treatment. Dentists and specialists often use a mix of clinical evaluation, patient history, and imaging (such as X-rays and MRI) to diagnose TMJ/TMD. 

Restrained Methods

Lifestyle Modifications: Patients are often recommended to adopt lifestyle adjustments, such as avoiding hard or chewy foods, lowering stress, and practicing excellent posture. 

Oral Habits: Eliminating habits like teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism) will help improve TMJ/TMD symptoms.

Jaw exercises and physical therapy

Patients might learn exercises from physical therapists to loosen tight muscles and enhance jaw movement. Like all other parts of the body jaw also need exercise and a therapy.  


Painkillers: To treat pain and inflammation, doctors may prescribe over-the-counter painkillers (like ibuprofen) or prescription drugs. Muscle relaxants: In some circumstances, taking muscle relaxants can assist lessen jaw clenching and muscle spasms. Tricyclic antidepressants: These drugs may be recommended at modest doses to help with pain relief and sleep improvement. 

Occlusal Splints or Night Guards

Dental equipment created to order called night guards or occlusal splints are intended to protect teeth and lessen the consequences of bruxism. They can assist in realigning the jaw as well.  

Adjustment of the bite (occlusal adjustment)

To lessen strain on the TMJ, dentists may make modest changes to the way the upper and lower teeth meet (occlusion).  Both upper and lower jaw must function in proper synchrony  so that we can chew something. 

Treatment with orthodontics

 If misplaced teeth cause TMJ/TMD symptoms, orthodontic therapy may be taken into account. 


In some instances, corticosteroid injections help reduce swelling and pain in the jaw joint. 


When conservative measures have failed to relieve severe TMJ/TMD symptoms, surgery is typically the last option. Arthroscopy is one surgical procedure that can be used to remove inflammatory joint or tissue.

TMJ/TMD treatment is highly individualized, and the strategy may change depending on the patient’s particular needs and symptoms. To find the best course of treatment to reduce pain, improve jaw function, and enhance general quality of life, patients must work closely with their dentist or a TMJ expert.